Experimental design of a cutting force model for machining of thin-walled parts
Jun Wang, Atsushi Matsubara, Soichi Ibaraki, Iwao Yamaji
A FEM-based model to predict the deformation of a thin-all part parts to minimize the static deformation have been previously studied. In order to apply the simulation to design cutting strategies, a simplified and practical force model covering variable radial depth of cut and axial depth of cut was proposed. The instantaneous cutting force was normalized as a rectangular function. The duty factor of the rectangular function was calculated from cutting conditions. Cutting tests on a rigid aluminum alloy workpiece with slant paths were conducted to identify the parameters, where the radial depth of cut and/or axial depth of cut varied from zero to the nominal values. The cutting force calculated by the model was compared with experimental data for validation.
Key words: Cutting, force model, thin wall, deformation, FEM